We are open to the public on the first Saturday of the months May-Nov, from 9am-12pm.
See below for more information
A peek into what goes on at our nursery

Duckitt Nurseries (Pty) Ltd was established in 1979, and is situated approximately 3km south of Darling on the west coast of South Africa (about 70 km North of Cape Town).
Duckitt Nurseries(Pty) Ltd specializes in producing and exporting top quality Cymbidium Orchid cut-flowers to mainly European and East USA regions. We are constantly breeding, selecting and importing new varieties, to accommodate the needs of an ever-changing global flower market.
Cymbidium, Ansellia, Cattleya alliance, Oncidium alliance and many other orchid types are hybridized, selected and grown for the local pot plant market. Our nursery not only supplies many retail nurseries and supermarkets in South Africa, but is also open to the public on the 1st Saturday of the months from May to November from 09h00 to 12h00. Entrance is free, and plants and flowers are for sale in the pack-shed. The green house with the most spectacular display of flowers at that time is also opened to the public.
Free tea and coffee and also our famous 'Presby' pancakes for sale in the pack- shed.